Soul Kitchen

Lange Violettestraat 42, 9000 Gent
Chef's Island
  • Soul Kitchen
  • Soul Kitchen
  • Soul Kitchen
  • Soul Kitchen
  • Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen is a vegetable restaurant, entirely plant-based and organic. It's all small dishes that come in the middle of the table, for sharing.

One day, we had a vision.
A vision of a bright, colourful place where we would serve healthy meals: organic, plant-based and fresh from the field. A place that is sustainable, for our earth and everything that lives on it.
A place where people come together to share a heavenly meal, packed with nutritious ingredients.
A place that warms our souls.
A place that helps the world grow.

What's going on in the kitchen? 

Our Misha is a dreamer. Ever since he was 14, he has dreamt of opening his own restaurant. His love for Mother Nature made him think more and more about what is on our plates. Now if we all ate organic, fresh, unprocessed and local, we would become incredibly strong. We would live longer and happier lives, in harmony with the world around us.
This realisation made him all the more passionate. His creations are vibrant, fresh, colourful, packed with flavour and ooooooh so nutritious ! 

Who's the lady of the house? 

Maitre: Our Leenken is a visionary. She already imagines the world as a harmonious place where all nature's creations live side by side, with love and respect for each other. Oh, what a blissful world this would be! According to her, this is achievable if we gradually learn to organise our day differently.
Eating healthy and more sustainable food is already a big step towards a cleaner world. She will meet you with a smile to introduce you to our menu.


Cream mushrooms - sautéed mushrooms - soul seeds - fresh herbs (€ 13,00)