
Ingelandgat 21, 9000 Gent
Place-to-be for young & experienced chefs
  • Gwenola
  • Gwenola
  • Gwenola

Gwenola has been a well-known Ghent Breton Pancake House since 1960, originally located at 66 Voldersstraat. In 2017, inspirer Marie-Christine Rogiest died very suddenly. Thanks to the encouragement of the people of Ghent, the Rogiest family, founders De Kesel and Gwenola's staff, Gwenola reopened on Aug. 1, 2023, at a new location at 21 Ingelandgat. It serves sweet pancakes and savory buckwheat pancakes, as well as homemade lemonades and sauces, milkshakes and chocolate. All of this is prepared for you in an artisanal, local and sustainable way by our dedicated team Gwenola.


Sweet Gwenola pancake - butter - sugar (€ 5)
Flambéed pancake - Cointreau or Grand Marnier - sugar - butter (€ 10)
Buckwheat pancake with cheese - ham - egg or cheese - ham - pineapple (+ option tomato puree) (€ 10)
Buckwheat with cheese - mushrooms - onion (€ 10)
Buckwheat with stewed leek and mushrooms (€ 10)